Friday, June 17, 2011

Workin' On My Fitness

Fact of the day: I'm a yo-yo dieter and an emotional eater. I was always a bit "heavy" growing up, and I wanted to change that after I left College #1. I set foot in a gym for the first time ever (besides school gym class, where I hated life and was an epic failure) and lost 45 pounds in 6 months. I was the smallest I'd ever been (a true size 6 for basically 24 hours, woo!), but I was also miserable - I was hardly eating anything and I was completely exhausted. Since then, I've gained and lost the same 30 pounds. It's hard for me to keep it off; as I mentioned, I'm an emotional eater. I turn to food when I am sad, stressed, angry... you name it.

With today being the 3-month mark until the wedding, I thought it would be a good time to start focusing on my heath and fitness. I have a gym membership, but I rarely go. Also, the town we live in allows us to use its high school fitness center, free of charge. FREE! So, what exactly is keeping me away? I've used every excuse in the book; to be completely honest, I easily get discouraged and it's hard for me to stay focused! I swear to you, I'm not one of those people who bought their wedding dress three sizes too small, so they have to exercise like crazy and starve before the "big day" so it will fit. My dress fit like a glove when I purchased it last summer; however, it's on the verge of becoming too small because of my poor eating habits and lack of exercise.
I'm going to watch what I eat; as a vegetarian/pescetarian, it's easy to fall for unhealthy (but readily available) items like greasy cheese pizza, grilled cheese, and french fries. I might start bringing lunches from home. As for dinner, as much as I don't like cooking, I'll have to start making my own dinners. Also, I want to get to the gym 3-5 days a week - probably closer to 5, until I know that my wedding dress is going to fit like a glove once again!

I hate dressing frumpy when I go to the gym. Buying some cute Lululemon workout wear as motivation to get moving is currently out of the picture, so maybe I'll pick up some yoga pants and cute tees from Old Navy or Aerie... champagne taste on a beer budget, my friends.

Bootcut Yoga Pants, on sale for $9.99-$15.00 at Old Navy

Please send positive vibes - I know I'll need it!


  1. i'm trying to think of what i typically ate during my 3 month stint as a vegetarian. i basically bought everything from the organic section so i knew i wasn't eating any icky chemicals and whatnot.

    my favorite thing to make for dinner was stirfrys with either shrimp or quorn tenders, and i would use either brown rice or organic rainbow rotini. i bought a kikoman sauce which has some sodium in it, but a little bit goes a long way. so easy and pretty healthy, given the protein from the "meat," the whole grains & the veggies. i'm sure there's a healthier option for the sauce, but whatever. have to live somewhere, right?

    i totally hear you, though. i've lost/gained (and then some) 20ish and it's frustrating to look at pictures of me at my smallest size. once i get to florida, i'm kicking it into high gear. i refuse to come back if i haven't lost at least 20 pounds.

  2. Hi! Just happened to see you on Twitter and ck'd out your blog.
    Hey, I totally hear you on that yoyo syndrome. blah Sitting here eating a cookie as I type. haha I've been knowing I need to get back on the wagon, but have just put it off. You're inspiring me to get my butt in gear. lol Good luck to you! And congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
